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From Vision to Reality - The Starting Journey of wise:re

April 23, 2024
Thommy M.

Dynamic, daring and wise. We craft innovative and sustainable experiences with Purpose & Passion!

Meaning of the logo

Why a phoenix, you might ask? The phoenix represents transformation, wisdom and can appear under multiple forms and adapts to its environment. Perfect symbol to represent our micro-agency, wise:re. We shape your ideas to become reality.

As a micro-agency we understand where we stand on the market and know we are the most suitable ones to adapt to any client budget. Being flexible with the budgets is only possible due to our freelancer database, gathering partners and collaborators, coming from multiple backgrounds. We bring the right matches to your precise needs!

The team behind wise:re

Firstly, we introduce our co-founder and associate, Samuel Weinzaepfel, who oversees the financial operations of the agency and collaborates on developing our in-house concepts. In his spare time, he enjoys hitting the gym, scuba diving and indulging his passion for gaming. Samuel completed a 6-month exchange program at Fudan University - School of Management in Shanghai.

`Follows the stoic philosophy, admiring Marcus Aurelius`

Next, we have myself, Thommy Meer Alias Meyer, the co-founder of wise:re, responsible for managing the agency, handling client projects, and contributing to the development of our concepts. In my free time, I play volleyball, manage the SweetSpot association and passionately play video-games in a more competitive format. I also coach players seeking to improve their mental state during competition and analysing their skills.

`Keen advocator of the holacratic management model`

What can you expect from wise:re?

Expected something else? Well, we think this is the most important stuff in a collaboration, wouldn't you agree?

Part of our CSR Strategy is embedding Carbon Footprint solutions into all the projects we work on. As customers and society place increasing importance on our environment, we want to be part of the solution and give our clients the opportunity to join us. We are currently in the talks with professionals in the field to bring you high quality and eco-responsible solutions.

This is the starting line for wise:re and we are thrilled to welcome you on this adventure! Do you have an idea or an event project in mind? Need consulting on a particular situation about an Event? Let us collaborate to find the solution you need!

You can find more about our skills on the website under the "What we do" tab. Stay tuned for more articles as we publish on a bi-monthly basis covering business, events and gaming news.

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